SureSmile in Charlotte, NC

SureSmile’s’s clear orthodontic aligners straighten teeth, close gaps and align your bite for a beautiful smile and healthy lifestyle. Get a complete treatment in as little as 6 months.

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The Best Way To Straighten Teeth.

Teeth can be straightened orthodontically using braces or clear aligners.

SureSmile has earned a name for itself as the most advanced clear aligner system in the world. Custom trays are made using highly precise digital scans taken by our professionals and are fitted in-person to provide you with the highest level of discretion and comfort. Your treatment may be completed in as little as 6 months, but you will start to see a difference in just a few weeks. Your trays are easily removable and easy to clean so you can enjoy all the foods you love and still keep that clean-mouth-feel.ese services include:

For A Beautiful Smile And A Healthy Lifestyle

Having straight teeth looks great but it can also prevent costly dental and medical problems.

It might be a little hard to believe but having straight teeth is very important to leading a healthy life. Maybe you feel like it doesn’t matter that your teeth are crooked. They don’t bother you, so there’s no point in fixing them. But teeth need to be in the correct position to function correctly and last a lifetime.

Nearly 9 out of 10 people have at least mild crowding or misalignment of their teeth which can contribute to:

  • Chipped front teeth or tooth loss.
  • Food getting stuck between teeth.
  • Difficulty flossing and cleaning between teeth.
  • Increased risk of cavities between teeth.
  • Gum disease – which can increase your risk for several systemic health problems such as Heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Arthritis and Increased risk of stroke.

If you have any of the above conditions, schedule an appointment at our office for an evaluation of your oral health.

When Is A Good Time To Start?

Maybe you’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth for some time. Perhaps you just recently had the recommendation from your dentist that it’s necessary. Either way, waiting to get started only gives you more months or years of dissatisfaction and increased risk of breaking teeth or dealing with related health problems. More importantly, remember that teeth continue to shift.

Your teeth will be more out of alignment in a few years than they are today.

The more movement your teeth require to straighten, the longer you’ll be in treatment. It’s easier, faster and less expensive to straighten teeth before they become severely misaligned.

Don’t worry, treatment is affordable. The entire cost is not due on the day you start treatment. Our office is happy to share with you the payment options most of our patients use.

What Can You Expect Once You Start Your Treatment?

Our mission is to help our patients achieve overall health and a beautiful smile by starting with a good foundation. That means straightening the teeth so they’re in proper alignment and are functioning correctly. You’re never too old to benefit from straightening your teeth.

Your Treatment Plan

The process begins with digital scans of your teeth to create your treatment plan. Using SureSmile’s software, we can accurately predict how your teeth will change over time with SureSmile. We can even show you how your teeth will look weeks, months and eventually at the end of your treatment. Once your digital plan is finalized, your custom aligners are made using SureSmile’s state-of-the-art printing process.

The First Aligners

Once the aligners arrive, special fasteners are often necessary. These are bonded temporarily to your teeth so that you can easily clip in your aligners but don’t worry, they’re mostly invisible and come off at the end of treatment.

Follow up Appointments

We will provided you with each set of clear aligners to wear for about two weeks. Your teeth will shift into place a little at a time as the aligners are changed for the next in the series until your teeth have been moved to their final, correct position. Visits to the office will be scheduled roughly once every 1-2 months to ensure that the treatment is going as planned.

Cost Of SureSmile in Charlotte, NC

With a typical insurance plan, SureSmile treatment usually averages up to $3000 out-of-pocket. After an oral exam, we would be happy to provide you with an accurate quote so you can find out how much your insurance plan will cover and what your actual out-of-pocket expenses would be. Without insurance, SureSmile treatment typically costs about $5000-$6000.

How do we actually determine the cost of your SureSmile treatment and why does it seem so expensive? When considering the cost of orthodontics, there are a few things to consider:

  • The current condition of your overall oral health.
  • How much your teeth need to shift.
  • The length of your treatment.

Because every smile is so different, the only way to find out for sure if SureSmile is the best solution for you and how much it will cost you out of pocket is to come in for a consultation. Tell us your personal goals for your smile, let us examine your teeth and we will tailor a personalized treatment plan that will accomplish your wants and needs. Even if you’re not sure if you qualify for SureSmile because of your age, or particularly ambitious goals, it never hurts to ask. There are solutions available for you.

We have solutions for every unique case that presents in our office. Most of the time, we can provide you with a treatment plan that can be completed in our practice from express cases to advanced functional and cosmetic cases. If it’s outside of our scope, we’ll refer you to the best specialist to meet your needs.

Don’t let something like crooked teeth hinder your confidence or affect your health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better: braces or SureSmile?

SureSmile is both more comfortable and more discrete than braces. The clear custom-fit trays are hardly noticeable and most people won’t even realize you’re wearing them. Plus, they can be removed for important presentations or dates! The clear trays are also smooth against the inside of your mouth and don’t pinch or scratch like the brackets from braces. If your trays rub on your gums, they can be easily adjusted. SureSmile trays exert a gentler pressure compared to braces and only shift a few teeth at a time. That makes SureSmile orthodontics far more comfortable than conventional methods.

Does SureSmile hurt?

SureSmile makes changes to your teeth very gradually. Minor changes can be made in a few short weeks with little discomfort, and more complex changes can occur over a longer span of time to ensure you stay as comfortable as possible. There may be some discomfort, but if your SureSmile hurts, let us know.

How long do I have to wear aligners for?

On average, it takes anywhere from 6 to 12 months for your teeth to move into the correct position with SureSmile. Most people start noticing some movement, however, within the first 6 weeks after getting their first set of aligner trays. The more changes you would like to see, the longer it will take no matter what orthodontic option you choose.

How do I care for my aligners?

Twice a day, remove your tray and clean it and your teeth before putting it back in. If you take your aligner out at any time, always rinse it before you put it back in, and try not to let it sit in open air when you aren’t wearing it. You may soak your aligners in denture cleaner or SureSmile cleaning crystals and carefully rinse them before putting them back in your mouth. Do not eat or drink with your trays in, and do not use toothpaste to clean your trays. We will provide you with detailed home care instructions when you receive your first trays.

Can you eat with aligners in?

Don’t eat with your aligners in your mouth. If you expose your aligners to the strong chewing forces that your teeth are trained to exert, you can damage or even crack your aligners, plus it’s just messy and not easy to eat with SureSmile in your mouth.

Do you sleep with aligners on?

Yes, even when you sleep. They should be worn all day and night, except when eating and drinking. Your clear aligners won’t work if they’re not constantly shifting your teeth over time, which means you’ve gotta wear them!